Как и в предидущие годы, Italpresse приймет участие в выставке Xylexpo 2018 – главном событии в мире деревообрабатывающего оборудования, которая будет проходить в Милане, в период с 8 по 12 мая 2018. Мы ждём Вас …
The MATRIX with automatic pin pedestal system is the pinnacle of Italpresse’s range of air membrane presses. It is designed and engineered for the highest requirements in productivity, flexibility, and reliability. Its creation is the evolution of designing and manufacturing thousands of membrane presses since 1980.
Italpresse has delivered at the end of 2015 and put into operation at the beginning of 2016 a line for the production of RV panels to Laika Caravans Spa. This line is the «heart» of the production of caravans, because it provides all the external elements (sides, floors, ceilings ) which constitute the caravan. It’s extremely innovative and flexible, like no other plant of its kind in the world. Laika is part of the German group Hymer, a world leader in the production of caravans.
This plant was delivered to the new plant of Laika Caravans in San Casciano in Val di Pesa (Florence), the covered area of 30,000 m2. The plant was inaugurated by the President of the Council Renzi.
Italpresse S.p.A. will exhibit at the upcoming LIGNA Fair, the most attended Worldwide Trade Show for Woodworking machines and Technologies, to be held in Hannover, (DE), May 22nd-26th, 2017. We will be pleased to welcome You at our booth. (Stand …